Circus/ Shibari Performances
I begins research with air making Aerial Circus at 2009 in Chile from 2013 onwards i entered the Shibari ropes community of Barcelona, first as a model, then experimenting with Self-Suspension and combining shibari and circus to create my own perfomances. Their desire to learn and share ropes with other people makes them constantly seeking new possibilities and diferent teachers.
Explores the relationship between the limits of the body and the possibilities of his mind. Merging contemporary circus and Japanese bondage “Shibari”. In my performances i shows the scenic inquiry between identity and its absence, a claim of physical diversity and a critique of the models of beauty imposed by the society in which we live.
Through the self-tied of movements and self-torture, is how i claims freedom and diversity for representation of ideas has led me to explore various fields of the Arts .
Shibari Studies
-October 2018, Private lession. Fred RX Barcelona , Spain
-September 2017, March 2017 & September 2016 Workshops: Shibari Eurix. Alte Börse Marzahn. Berlin. Germany.
-April 2017 Workshop: Shibari Barkas . Berlin. Germany.
-March 2017 Workshop: Shibari Nicolas Yoroi. The Garage, Madrid. Spain
-January 2017 Workshop: Shibari Isabelle Hanikamu. Gijon Spain.
-June 2016 Workshop: Self Suspension Chelsa Doll. Salon Pugliese . Barcelona.
-April – June 2015 Workshop: Shibari No Shibari. Barcelona. Spain.
-March 2015 Workshop: Shibari Pedro Cuerdas. Roses 5. Barcelona. Spain.
-January 2015 Workshop: Shibari Osaka Dan. The Orbit of the IO. Barcelona. Spain
-January 2015 Workshop: Shibari Nawashi Monko. The Orbit of the IO. Barcelona. Spain
-November 2014 Workshop: Shibari Akira Naka. Madrid. Spain
-September – October 2014: Workshop Shibari Bondage Erotique. Armory. San francisco California. U.S
-November 2013: Workshop Shibari Nawashi Monko. The Orbit of the IO. Barcelona. Spain

Circus Studies
-October 2018- March 2019: Aereal Yoga Centro Civico Barceloneta, Barcelona, Spain
March 2011-December 2013: Aerial Acrobatic Performance. Nave Espacial. Barcelona. Spain.
-March-December 2010: Aerial Acrobatic Performance. Instructor Carolina Haiden. Circo Bufo. Santiago, Chile.
-January-February 2009: Aerial Acrobatic Seminar. Instructor Arnaldo Faundez. Santiago, Chile.
-March-December 2009: Aerial Acrobatic Performance. Instructor Daniela Horiuti. Santiago, Chile.

2015-2024 “La Madeja” 20 minutes
Shibari and Integral dance performance with Patricia Carmona
-Escena Movile Festival, Sevilla, Spain
-Kabaret Trèvols Mutants, Barcelona, Spain
-Frikcions – Cossos diversos.La Caldera, Barcelona, Spain
-4ta Nit Transfeminista de l’Esquerra de l’Eixample, Barcelona, Spain
-Cabaret Documentary “Trèvols de 4 fulles”. Barcelona, Spain
-Erosstreets 2019. Barcelona. Spain
-Erosstreets 2020. Barcelona. Spain

2020-2022 “Rouse Ronoir & Glü Wür” 35 minutes
Shibari with a lot of musical instruments.
-Onawa Asobi Europe, Antwerp. Belgium
-Luststreifen Film Festival, Basel. Swiss

2019-2020 Shibari Self Suspension with a lot of musical instruments.
-Espacio Yokai, Madrid, Spain
-Rome Bondage Week, Rome, Italy
-Al Ras – Konvent.0 , Berga, Spain
-Yoroi Dojo 2.0, Brussels, Belgium

2017- 2021 “Living Flowers” 15 – 45 minutes.
Self Suspension mixture with Shibari.
-Strasbourg. France
-El Garage. Madrid. Spain
-Hangar. Barcelona. Spain

2018 “Neo Geisha” 15 minutes.
Shibari , Self Suspension with hot wax candle .
-Goze , Sala Apolo. Barcelona. Spain
-Hitchin´Bitches Barcelona. Spain
-Cabaret Bizarre. Basel, Switzerland
-Fausto. Barcelona. Spain
-Sesiones Guarrantinas, Mutuo Gallery, Barcelona, Span
-Cabaret Onirique. Strasbourg. France
-Tattoo Circus. Barcelona. Spain
-Rai Barcelona. Spain
-Diirt, Toulouse, France.
-Tattoo Convention. Malaga. Spain

2017 Via Lucis with Barbara Zagora
-Festival de Poesía, Malaga . Spain

2016 “Siameses Twins” 18 minutes.
Double Self Suspension with Maya Homerton. Freak Show Shibari.
-Shibari Athens, Greece.
-Place des Cordes. Paris. France.
-Fausto. Barcelona. Spain
-Eurix Berlin. Germany
-Seville Tattoo Covention. Spain
-Tattoo Convention Valencia. Spain
-Tattoo Convention Malaga. Spain
-Tattoo Convention Benidorm. Spain
-Tattoo Convention Zaragoza Spain
-Sex Festival. Valencia. Spain
-Cadiz Spain

2015 “Big Bag” 12 minutes.
Self Suspension mixture with Shibari and fabric.
-Yoroi Dojo 2.0 Brussels, Belgium
-Shibari Freak Camp, Campobasso. Italy
-Invisibility Festival, Barcelona, Spain
-Fuchsbau, Switzerland.
-Cabaret Onirique, Strasbour. France
-Patrick Loréa, Ateliers Ouverts, Strasbourg. France
-Bondage to Go-Go. San Francisco. California. USA
-Folsom Street Fair. San Francisco. California. USA
-Eurix Berlin. Germany
-Hell Galery. Barcelona. Spain
-Primavera Freak Barcelona. Spain.
-Konvent.0. Berga Catalonia. Spain
-El Garage. Madrid. Spain
-Calafou Catalonia. Spain
-Mutuol Gallery “Guarrantinas Sessions”. Barcelona. Spain
-Anatomie Studio London. UK

2014 “Femme Dummy” 15 minutes.
Aereal acrobatics mixture with Shibari.
-Casa Circleta. Santiago. Chile.
-Folsom Streets Fair. San Francisco. California. USA
-MBE. Armory. San Francisco. California. USA
-Bound. London. UK
-Femme Brutal. Barcelona. Spain
-Konvent.0. Berga Catalonia. Spain
-Estruch. Sabadell Spain
-Kimbaku Nigth Barcelona. Spain
-Mutant Cabaret Barcelona. Spain.
-La Orbita de Io. Barcelona. Spain.
-Atlantis. Barcelona. Spain

2014 “Lady Fox and the Moon” 10 minutes.
Aereal acrobatics mixture with Shibari.
-Manresa. Cataluña. Spain.
-Sinfonica. Cataluña. Spain.
-El Otto. Barcelona. Spain.
-La Conejera. Barcelona. Spain.
-Domo Sapiens. Barcelona. Spain.

2012 “Trio Sado” 8 minutes.
Triple Trapeze Shows. Collective Radioactive. With Cesar Ariel Diaz and Julia Nada. Barcelona. Spain
-Private parties in Barcelona. Spain.
-Kamikaze Festival. Barcelona. Spain.
-Pobre Nou Festival. Barcelona. Spain.
-Nave Espacial. Barcelona. Spain.

2010 “Revienta mi atomo” 6 minutes.
Aerobatic hoop.
-Nave Espacial. Barcelona. Spain.
-Granollers. Barcelona. Spain.
-Cine Arte Alameda. Santiago. Chile
-Casa Bufo. Santiago. Chile.
Collaborations with other artists
Music videos
2019 ” Ya no hay miedo “, music by Las bajas pasiones, video by
José Pouchucq. Barcelona, Spain
2019 ” Lucifer “, music by Valentina & The electric post. Konvent.0 Berga, Spain
2018 “Laoconte” , music by Jirafa Rey. Barcelona, Spain
2018 ” La última atrocidad “, music by Nacho Vegas, video by Jo Sol. Barcelona, Spain
2019-2024 “Safe Space” by Rouse Renoir, Diferent citys.
2017 “Trèvols de 4 fulles” by Jo Sol.
Performance with Patricia Carmona. Barcelona. Spain.
2016 “La Sex Reel ” by Serbian Bacon.
Barcelona, Berga and Madrid. Spain.
2015 “Vivir y otras ficciones” by Jo Sol.
Performance with Patricia Carmona. Barcelona. Spain.
Art Proyect
2018 “How to cock a cake” With Rouse Renoir , Oscar PdP and DarkShibari Camara. Bern Switzerland.
2017 “Photo paintings” by Annette Merrild. Barcelona. Spain.
2015 “Todo lo que me gusta es ilegal (jugoso), inmoral (libidinoso) o engorda” by Marc Caellas. Espacio Nyamnyam . Barcelona. Spain.
2018 “Manipulaciones” by Elena Zanzu with Pilar Aldea and Miriam.
2018 “Art of shibari” by noshibari lab.
Performance with Angela Nawa. Mutuo. Barcelona. Spain
2018 “Purpurin” with Divine Putain.
Cabaret Onirique. Strasbourg. France
2018 “Objetización” by Serbian Bacon.
Movistar Loom Festival. Barcelona. Spain.
2018 “Black Face Mirrow” by Glitch Gyals.
Málaga de Festival San Telmo school. Spain.
2017 “Via Lucis ” with Bárbara Zagora.
Presence and dialogue are intertwined to present a performative experience from the mystique of pain through the strings. Torture, sound, word and body weave an interdisciplinary action. Barcelona. Spain.
2017 “Objetización” by Serbian Bacon.
Peacockrubiartfestival. Barcelona. Spain.
2017 “Tattoo Conventions” with Maya Homerton and Pauline Maximo.
Different citys of Spain.
Workshops I made
2023 -2025
Sala de luz , Barcelona. Spain
La central de Circ, Creative Ropes. Barcelona. Spain
Aska -Self tying. Toulouse. France
La Ronronnerie,Self tying. Marcelle. France.
“Sex Academy” Shibari, Barcelona. Spain
“Joy Club” Shibari, Online Class, Germany
“Vox Body” Self tying, Online Class . C.A -US
“Sex Academy” Shibari, Barcelona. Spain
“Curious Garden” Shibari, La Floresta. Spain
“Sex Academy” Shibari, Barcelona. Spain
“La Gabia ” Self tying, Barcelona. Spain
“Espacio Yokai ” Self tying, Madrid. Spain
“Yoroi dojo ” Self tying, Brussels, Belgium
“Konvent.0” Shibari, Berga. Spain
“Hitchin´ Bitches” Wax Play, Barcelona. Spain
“Studio 83” Self tying, Sevilla . Spain
“Casa Cabra” Self tying, Fuerteventura . Spain
“Frikcions – cossos diversos” Shibari for diverse bodies, La Caldera. Barcelona. Spain
“House of ropes” Self tying, Athens. Grecce
“Art of shibari/ Mutuo ” Cretive and collective Ropes. Barcelona. Spain
“Anatomie Studio ” Self Tying, London. UK
“Fausto ” Self tying, Barcelona. Spain
“Auberhaus ” Self Tying, Paris. France
“Jornadas hijxs de putx ” Shibari, Barcelona. Spain
“Bora ” Cretive and collective Ropes, Andalusia. Spain
“Fuchsbau ” Self Tying, Bern. Switzerland
“Centro Civic ” Shibari for diverse bodies, Barcelona. Spain
“Cabaret Onirique ” Self Tying, Strasbourg. France
“Salon Pugliese ” Auto Suspension, Barcelona. Spain
“Garaje ” Auto Suspension, Madrid. Spain
“Garaje ” Auto Suspension, Madrid. Spain
“Casa Circleta ” Shibari for beginners, Santiago, Chile
“Mutuo Gallery ” Shibari for beginners, Barcelona. Spain
2011- 2012
“Nave Espacial” Doble Trapeze for beginners with Cesar Diaz. Barcelona. Spain
“Cine Arte Alameda” Trapeze for beginners, Santiago. Chile
Presenter in ropes events
-2025 Eurix Berlin, Germany
-2020 Onawa Asobi Festival Europe. Antwerp. Belgium
-2019 Rome Bondage Week Rome , Italy
-2018 Shibari Freak Camp Campobasso , Italy
-2018 Bora Andalucia, Spain
-2016 Eurix Berlin, Germany